2015. november 29. 00:55 - Szalai Szimi

Crazy girls night out

There was an iDEA, that we, girls in my class should go out together or assemble at a place and drink, play games, chat. And so we organized it. Almost every girl from my class came to that party, except 3 or 4. A really good team gathered up in a small flat. They are crazy. You will understand why later when I have written down what happened. 

At first, everyone got their drinks and we settled to play drinking games with cards. It was fun, everyone got tipsy. There were two Hungarians, I and my friend. We taught the others Hungarian sentences and words (not proper ones, mostly swearing and dirty talks). It was much of a fun to see and hear the different nations trying to say the dirty words properly. Then, it was my turn to learn new things in Latvian, Croatian, Portuguese, Lithuanian, Danish, just to mention some of the languages. 

Then, it all had a twist. We started to play "Never have I ever...." and shit went crazy. The hot topics were mostly sexual contents, experiences. During those things it turned out who were the most perverted of us all. The second twist came when we played "Truth or dare". Now that, I think I will never be able to forget. I kept asking myself what am I doing here? Even my lesbian friend was surprised by all the things that turned out. Like, it happened that, 5 of my classmates had been with a girl....sexually, I mean. I was kind of...surprised. Even more when it turned out a straight classmate's first time was with a girl. The more I listened to their stories the more I was convinced I wasn't the most nasty , corrupt-minded person among them. There was one girl on who apparently half of the group had a crush and one of them actually said it out loud that she wanted to fuck her. To the record, they were like almost best friends in the class. Bestie, if you are reading this, I would /never/ even think about that. It's just gross. My bestie is like my sister not a piece of meat...christ..So, that half of the group get that one girl all drunk and due to a badly went dare game she was crying for like 2 hours. While the others attempted making out with her. After 2 hours I got fed up watching that and so I took her home, gave her water to drink and put her into bed. And I left my own stuff at my friend's place since I was more occupied with the poor drunk girl than with myself. Luckily, I at least had my keys so I could go home. 

Have a look at the almost gang bang teamgurls.jpg

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2015. november 21. 20:17 - Szalai Szimi

Egy unalmas szombat / A boring Saturday

A mai nap ígéretesnek indult, tervekkel a fejemben keltem fel egy borzalmas éjszakai után. Nem nehéz felkelni reggel ha az ember nem is igazán alszik...

Azon kívül, hogy házit csináltam és halálra untam magam, ahelyett, hogy megcsináltam volna mindazt, amit terveztem, csak szimplán az ágyat nyomtam egész nap, semmit téve. Vártam, hogy elkapjon egy motivációs hullám, de csak kínszenvedés volt az egész nap. Még az is csoda, hogy most ide írok, hiszen borzasztóan lusta vagyok. Egyszerűen ma nem éreztem az egészet. Azt hiszem a tipikus melankólia kapott el csak úgy a semmiből, mint általában

Today started to be promising, I woke with plans in my head after a terrible night. It is not hard to get up in the morning if one doesn't sleep much at night...

Besides doing my homework I only was bored to death, instead  of doing what I have planned, I was simply laying in my bed all day long, doing nothing. I was waiting for inspirational wave to catch me but only torture was this whole day. It is a miracle, that I am writing here now since I am terribly lazy. I simply didn't feel this day. I think this one of my  typical moments when melancholy gets me all of a sudden like usually


Here, have a picture of Adam because I can relate to him on a spiritual level:


Szólj hozzá!
2015. november 20. 13:07 - Szalai Szimi

Első bejegyzés / First post

A mai nap / Today


Ebben a bejegyzésben a mai napomról kaptok egy kis beszámolót.
In this post you will get a (short) summary of what happened today.


Reggel korán keltem, ami meglepő, hiszen képes vagyok átaludni az első órámat ha 8.20-tól van. Valószínűleg azért tudtam felkelni, mert este "korán" lefeküdtem aludni. Összeszedtem magam, és elkezdtem készülődni, direkt hangosan mert tudtam, hogy a lakótársam későn ért haza, hajnalban. Ez is csak egy módja, hogy az idegeire menjek. Nem szimpatikus és nem kötelező nekünk puszipajtásoknak lenni. Akkor miért lennék vele jóban? Egyi ideig meg tudtam játszani magam, de elég volt. 

Elmentem a suliba és mikor már az épületben voltam, akkor szembesültem a ténnyel, hogy Business óránk lesz. Ekkor éreztem úgy, hogy még nem késő sarkonfordulni és hazamenni. De! Sajnos megérkezett egy osztálytársam, így kénytelen voltam vele menni, be a terembe. Unalmasnak indult az óra (szokás szerint), de aztán kaptunk egy feladatot. A tanár kis csapatokba osztott minket és én két barátommal kerültem egy csapatba, Deával és Kimivel. Szép volt, jó volt, mindaddig, amíg el nem kezdtünk beszélni a háziállatokról, és hogy ki kutya, ki macska párti. És ekkor elkövettem egy nagy hibár, ami ezután lavinaként zúdult rám. Megemlítettem, hogy nekem volt egy tűzhasú gőtém...


Az első probléma akkor merült fel, amikor le kellett fordítanom nekik angolra ill. dánra, hogy "tűzhasú gőte". . . Na igen, de ez nem olyan egyszerű feladat. Végül Wikipédiát használtunk és így már minden világos lett nekik. Legalábbis én azt hittem. Aztán valahogy Dea talált egy képet egy tűzhasú BÉKÁRÓL...és azt állították, hogy a gőtém, az igazából egy béka volt. Természetesen, én tudtam, hogy ez nem igaz, és próbáltam őket meggyőzni, reménytelenül. Végül az egész egy vitába torkollott és én megelégeltem őket, úgyhogy arrébb ültem sértődötten. Persze, csak megjátszottam az egészet, hiszen nem érdekel mit gondolnak. Én csak fel akartam őket világosítani...Több ember is beszállt a vitába, ki mellettem eleinte aztán ellenem, volt aki pártatlan maradt. Összességében, hagytam öket egy fiktív tudatban, ami viccesen zárult, ezzel a képpel:


Surprisingly, I woke up early in the morning today. It was probably because I went to sleep "early" last night. Well, earlier than usually. It is surprising because I tend to sleep through my first lesson if it starts at 8.20 am. I pulled myself together and started to get ready, making much noise because I knew my flatmate had arrived home at around 4 am with her boyfriend. It is just another way to annoy them. Obviously, I don't like her and we don't need to be friends. At the beginning I tried to pretend but then I gave up. I was like, why should I need to get along with her? So I stopped pretending. 

I went to school and only when I was in the building I realized I was about to have Business classes. At this point I felt it might be not too late to turn around  and walk back home. Unfortunately, a classmate of mine arrived and so I had to go with her into the classroom. Initially, the lesson was boring as fuck (like usually) but then we got an exercise and the teacher divided us into small groups. I got to be in a group with my friends, Dea and Kimi. It was nice and good until we started to talk about who is dog-type person and who is cat-type person. And then I made the mistake of mentioning that I had a Chinese fire-bellied newt...

The first problem was that I had to translate "tűzhasú gőte" from Hungarian to English and Danish. And well, it is not an easy task. At the end we simply used wikipedia and I showed them what a newt is and I thought it was finally clear. But then..Dea found a picture of a frog with fire-belly and then they started saying that what I had was not a newt but a frog...Eventually this whole ridiculous thing ended up as a kind of battle among us, taking it to a new level and then I got fed up and moved to sit elsewhere, playing all hurt. Of course, I knew they weren't right, I just tried to enlighten them, but honestly, I don't care what they say...More people got into this fight then. There were some who was initially with me then against me and there was one who remained unattached to any sides. To sum up, I let them think what they want and ended this whole thing with a joke, with that message above on the picture. ↑

Címkék: first post
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